Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Thank You

     I can't thank you all enough for your emails, text, calls and consistent support! My heart was overjoyed hearing other peoples struggles as well as all the heartfelt encouragement that I received! There is so much I want to share, but my life is very full and I have not been able to blog as much as I would like. My hope is to be more consistent, but no promises! 
    Sometimes in life words can't express the true feelings of my heart. I find myself at times listening to music or watching a movie that I can identify with and then playing it over and over! There is something about a song or movie that pulls at the strings of my heart and makes me feel like someone else has experienced this emotion too!     
    A couple years ago our dear friend had several miscarriages. At that time we were trying to conceive too, but had no idea we too had a disease of the reproductive system. I remember telling Bryan, my heart is breaking for them; I can't ever imagine walking through that kind of pain! I would watch their struggle, but not really understand the depth of their grief. One day she sent me a short video describing the journey they were on; My heart ached with them and it gave me so much more clarity to how infertility and loss has affected them.      
    Little did I know that the same video would be the video I turned on and cried to when I needed to feel understood! On the hard days when I feel stretched thin and I wonder how God is going to work this all out, or the times when months pass and I feel like I'm stuck in the same spot as I was last year! During these times the video is a great support to me. It's amazing how this short video is like sitting down and talking with a friend who has walked the same broken road!     
    Our story might be your first experience of knowing a young couple facing infertility, or perhaps you may know others too. However, I would be willing to bet that we will not be the last couple you meet facing this struggle either. The more I share our story, the more healthy young couples I meet who are trudging through the same waters. I hope as I share openly and honestly it will allow others to continually feel more comfortable about their struggle and educate others about the heart ache of infertility.     
    Below is the link to the video that has been great support to me and aid to those who are trying to understand what infertile couples are feeling. Thanks for taking the time to read our blog and watch the video... it means so much to us:-)

Ps. For those watching the video it's about 3 min long and can't be watched from a smart phone, but will play smoothly from a computer
www.tearsandhope.com  and click on the video "Empty Arms"